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5 oct 2018
- Japonés
Quality Point(s): 63
Respuestas: 37
me gusta: 19
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5 oct 2018
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- Inglés (US)
Quality Point(s): 861
Respuestas: 332
me gusta: 208
When someone has a celebrity crush, it means they love a famous person even though they would never meet them.
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5 oct 2018
- Inglés (US)
Quality Point(s): 861
Respuestas: 332
me gusta: 208
When someone has a celebrity crush, it means they love a famous person even though they would never meet them.
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5 oct 2018
- Inglés (US)
Quality Point(s): 6904
Respuestas: 2303
me gusta: 1411
Crush is almost like being in love. It is to be infatuated with a celebrity (movie star, pop idol etc. )
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5 oct 2018
- Japonés
Quality Point(s): 63
Respuestas: 37
me gusta: 19
5 oct 2018
- Inglés (US)
Quality Point(s): 1127
Respuestas: 203
me gusta: 167
someone you like who is famous.
getting a crush on someone famous. like getting a crush on an idol.
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5 oct 2018
- Japonés
Quality Point(s): 63
Respuestas: 37
me gusta: 19
5 oct 2018
- Japonés
Quality Point(s): 63
Respuestas: 37
me gusta: 19
5 oct 2018
- Japonés
Quality Point(s): 63
Respuestas: 37
me gusta: 19
Thank you all. Now I understand.
For me celebrity crush is NBA player💕
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