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------------===========================================------------ |/ \| | |=\ |==== | | \ /=\ |=== | | | | /== =| /=== =|=\ | \ / \ | | | | | | / | / | \ | | | | | | | | | / | | | | | | | | | | / | / |=== | | | | | | | | | |== |== | \ |=== | | | | | | |===| | \ | \ | | | | | ==| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | / | | | | | | | | \ | \ | | | |=/ | | | | | | | | \== | \=== | | | T H E F U T U R E O F W A R | |\ /| ------------===========================================------------DARK REIGN: THE FUTURE OF WARUnits & Buildings FAQ v1.50 (Apr 21 2001)Written by K.Teoh (kteoh85@yahoo.com)http://www.geocities.com/kteoh85For: PC (Windows)[Viewing Instructions]FONT: Courier New recommended, but any fixed width font will do.*Notepad - Maximised, no word wrap.*WordPad - Maximised, no wrap (view >options >text).*Other - Make sure the following fills ONE line (79 characters):1234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Dark Reign: The Future of War is (c) Activision and (c) Auran.All other names are (c) of their respective owners.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Unpublished Work Copyright (c) 2000-2001, K.Teoh.I wrote this FAQ and it took lots of hard work, so don't even think of ripping,plagiarising or modifying it (else your conscience haunts you).DISCLAIMER:This FAQ is for personal and private use only. It cannot be modified and may not be reproduced in any non-electronic form such as CD-ROMs, magazines, books,etc. You may print it out but you may use it only in your home. Do NOT attempt to use it for profitable purposes. Violation of the above statements will onlyresult in conditions implicating yourself.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------This FAQ may only appear on my website(see above) and the following sites:-GameFAQs ( http://www.gamefaqs.com )-About.com guide to Video Game Strategies ( http://vgstrategies.about.com )-Cheat Empire ( http://home.planetinternet.be/~twuyts )**If you got this FAQ from somewhere other than the sites listed above, pleasereport it to me (send me the URL of the site where you got the FAQ from).-------------------------------------------------------------------------------**Sending Mail*Send in comments/suggestions, fanmail, or anything associated with this FAQ tomy email address (kteoh85@yahoo.com). Please do not send any irrelevant mail,asking about something which is available in this FAQ, or something totally outof the perspective of this FAQ. All junk will be deleted.If you are sending me any mail, please make sure you put "(insert FAQ name)" asthe subject (without the quotes). This is to make sure I can get to the mail asquickly as possible.If you're submitting any info that you think may be helpful, please do includeyour name (how you want to be referred as) and email address (optional but willbe helpful). Homepage URL is optional.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------I REVISION HISTORY (please also read WHAT'S NEW)V1.50 (Apr 21 2001)-Section arrangement changed-Revised most of the textv1.30 (Apr 12 2001)-Changed contact info-Minor changesv1.21 (Mar 03 2000)-New host (my own site)-New section (5.0) - Unit Hotkeysv1.13 (Feb 16 2000)-New hostv1.12 (Feb 16 2000)-Added ASCII art title-Corrected placement of section 2.4-Split Common Buildings-Bridges into 3 different entriesv1.00 (Feb 15 2000) -First version of this FAQ.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------II AUTHOR'S NOTEWell, I'm not the kind suited to doing lengthy walkthroughs so I ended doingthis Units FAQ. Dark Reign has been released for a few years now, and a sequelis underway. I know some people who have yet to complete the game, and I knowthere are players out there who need help.In the game (and also the help file), units info is just a short description,mainly depicting its story. What I wrote is not that, but more info that youwon't get in the game, like stats and weapon types, effectiveness, etc.*This FAQ only covers the original game, not the expansion pack (maybe later?).So now that I've explained what is in the FAQ, don't come asking about how tocomplete any level.*The Freedom Guard will quite often be addressed as FG*Occasionally, the Imperium will be addressed as IMPLastly, if there's anything you have that you would like to contribute, feelfree to send it in.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------III WHAT'S NEWSection arrangement has been changed so its easier to find a particular sectionand I have revised most of the text.Other than that, nothing real worth was added.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------TABLE OF CONTENTSKey: * - New section + - Contains additions, has been modified I REVISION HISTORY II AUTHOR'S NOTE III WHAT'S NEW ::UNITS:: 1.0 COMMON UNITS 2.0 FREEDOM GUARD UNITS (2.1) Infantry (2.2) Vehicles 3.0 IMPERIUM UNITS (3.1) Infantry (3.2) Vehicles ::BUILDINGS:: 4.0 COMMON BUILDINGS 5.0 FREEDOM GUARD BUILDINGS (5.1) Standard (5.2) Base Defence 6.0 IMPERIUM BUILDINGS (6.2) Standard (6.2) Base Defence 7.0 TOGRAN UNITS AND BUILDINGS 8.0 MOVEMENT TYPES 9.0 WEAPON TYPES10.0 UNIT HOTKEYS END CREDITS -Contributors=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=::::::::::::: UNITS :::::::::::::This section contains information about the units in Dark Reign.Below is a description of how I arrange the details and information:The format for unit descriptions is as follows:"Name" (name of unit - as appears in game)Cost: (cost to produce unit)Move Type: (how it moves, refer to section 8)Speed: Slow/Medium/Fast (general movement speed - on normal ground)-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Armor: Light/Medium/Heavy (strength of armor generally - vehicles only, different weapons affect armor in varying degrees)Weapon: (what it uses for attack - taken from 'Archive' in game and help files)Type: (type of weapon attack, refer to section 9)Special: (special abilities if available)Task: (purpose)Good VS: (what type of enemy it's good against - support units not included as anything can destroy them easily - buildings not included unless extremely effective)> (some things I added in, comments, etc)==================1.0 COMMON UNITS==================This section lists the common units available to both sides.Construction RigCost: 300Move Type: WalkerSpeed: SlowArmor: LightWeapon: -Type: -Special: -Task: Building constructionGood VS: ->Your tool for making a base. Construction Rigs are consumed in the building process. Selling the building will return you that Rig. Guard these at all costs, no matter how many you have. *NOTE: Building a Camera Tower does not consume a Rig.FreighterCost: 1000Move Type: WheeledSpeed: SlowArmor: HeavyWeapon: -Type: -Special: -Task: Resource collectionGood VS: ->An important tool if you want to survive. Without this, you'll be dry and no credits will be available for you to build anything. Protect it!Hover FreighterCost: 1500Move Type: HoverSpeed: FastArmor: HeavyWeapon: Back-mount laser cannonType: LaserSpecial: -Task: Resource collectionGood VS: Infantry>Just the same as the Freighter, except that its a bit stronger and can defend itself (although useless when faced with tremendous force). Can hover, so it doesn't waste time going around water trying to get back to base.Water ContaminatorCost: 10000Move Type: TrackedSpeed: SlowArmor: MediumWeapon: Water contaminatorType: SpecialSpecial: -Task: Destroying water springsGood VS: Water springs>If the enemy seems to have a continuous cash flow, you can stop it by sucking dry the enemy's cash source - water springs. Guard these well and bring them close, then watch the enemy go bankrupt.Base MoverCost: -Move Type: TrackedSpeed: SlowArmor: MediumWeapon: -Type: -Special: -Task: Building transferGood VS: ->You will get this when you use the 'Pack/Unpack' option in the Special menu (certain buildings only). Lets you 'move' your buildings to other locations which are safer during an enemy attack. Unless you badly want/need to move a building, don't do it as it takes too long.InfiltratorCost: 1000Move Type: WalkerSpeed: MediumArmor: -Weapon: -Type: -Special: Morph into enemy infantryTask: Special opsGood VS: ->The Infiltrator will spy on your enemies. Morph into any enemy infantry then proceed to the enemy's HQ or production buildings. Once in, you can steal plans or if you entered the HQ, see the enemy's version of the minimap. If you enter the Taelon Power Plant or Water Launch Pad to gain information about the enemy's resources.=========================2.0 FREEDOM GUARD UNITS=========================This section contains the details for units available when playing on the sideof the Freedom Guard.-----------------(2.1) FG Infantry-----------------The Freedom Guard's infantry comes in all types, very diversified to say theleast. Different units are suitable on different occasions, so choose wiselyand don't be afraid to mix the units together. All infantry can climb to thetop of certain hills but at a slower rate.RaiderCost: 150Move Type: WalkerSpeed: SlowArmor: -Weapon: Dobek heavy laser rifleType: LaserSpecial: PhaseTask: Light attack, HarassmentGood VS: Infantry>Standard infantry, you will be using these a lot, especially when you're just building up. Raiders are good only against other weaker units, and even then you should group them up to minimise damage.MercenaryCost: 300Move Type: WalkerSpeed: SlowArmor: -Weapon: 10J shoulder-mount rail gunType: RailSpecial: PhaseTask: Attack, HarassmentGood VS: Light-armor vehicles, Heavy-armor vehicles>Stronger infantry that packs a decent punch against vehicles. Useful in the earlier levels, but still important later. Particularly useful when getting rid of pesky light vehicles. They can take on tanks, but to a lesser extent. These die against infantry, since rail weapons only work good on armor.SniperCost: 700Move Type: WalkerSpeed: MediumArmor: -Weapon: 10J side-fitted rail gunType: Rail (Needle)Special: Morph into plantsTask: SnipingGood VS: Infantry>Needle rail only works on infantry, and when it works, it works wonders. Most of the time these ladies kill in one shot. Stay away fro vehicles, this 'Rail' is different (read section 9).ScoutCost: 300Move Type: WalkerSpeed: MediumArmor: -Weapon: -Type: -Special: Morph into plantsTask: Reconnaisance, Artillery spotterGood VS: ->Fastest infantry and used for scouting the area. Plant disguise only work if you stay still. TIP: If you have lots of spare credits, build a bunch of Scouts and use the 'scout' option.Field MedicCost: 500Move Type: WalkerSpeed: SlowArmor: -Weapon: -Type: -Special: HealingTask: MedicalGood VS: ->Keep a few of these stationed around your base and also some together with any attack group containing infantry. They're bound to keep your men alive longer. Vital unit in the game.MechanicCost: 500Move Type: WalkerSpeed: SlowArmor: -Weapon: -Type: -Special: RepairTask: Repairing ground vehiclesGood VS: ->Mechanics are worth as much as the Field Medics, so you always keep them close to vehicles. Important in the later levels.SaboteurCost: 800Move Type: WalkerSpeed: SlowArmor: -Weapon: ExplosivesType: -Special: Morph into plantsTask: SabotageGood VS: Standard buildings>Get them close to an enemy building and let them to do their job. In moments, the building's strength will be reduced to half. NOTE: Multiple Saboteurs are pointless - the building's strength won't go down below half this way.MartyrCost: 600Move Type: WalkerSpeed: MediumArmor: -Weapon: Concussive plasma detonatorType: PlasmaSpecial: -Task: KamikazeGood VS: Infantry, Vehicles>Kamikaze troops that pack more than a punch. Has a short area effect so be careful if you have units close by. Serious damage to weaker units, but the stronger ones also don't last long against 2 or 3 Martyrs. TIP: Don't send Martyrs in groups. The first blast will usually kill the ones behind before they reach the target. Instead, send unit by unit towards target in short time intervals.-----------------(2.2) FG Vehicles-----------------Early in the game, your reliance on vehicles is little. But as the game moveson, vehicles are a must. Vehicles will form the mass of your attack force.Spider BikeCost: 500Move Type: Wheeled (Special)Speed: FastArmor: MediumWeapon: 30J Berrik rail guns (dual)Type: RailSpecial: -Task: Light attack, Reconnaisance, HarassmentGood VS: Light-armor vehicles>Spider Bikes are versatile and will become anyone's favourite. A sure unit in any attack force. Their usefulness is close to unlimited. Hit and run tactics should be utilised when using these.Rapid Armored Transport (RAT)Cost: 450Move Type: WheeledSpeed: SlowArmor: MediumWeapon: -Type: -Special: TransportTask: Infantry transportGood VS: ->Able to transport a maximum of 5 infantry (including Construction Rig) to almost anywhere, except water and higher grounds. The only non-hover FG unit capable of traversing water (slowly). TIP: Load a few RATs with Raiders/Mercenaries, then quickly move to enemy areas and then release your troops. Best used in groups with at least 3 RATs and some vehicle support.Skirmish TankCost: 600Move Type: TrackedSpeed: MediumArmor: MediumWeapon: Arclaunch missile launchers (twin)Type: MissileSpecial: -Task: AttackGood VS: Infantry, Vehicles>Able to shoot both ground and air units. Multi purpose unit. Good balance of defence and firepower. TIP: In the few early levels, set these tanks to go around your base. That way your defence is fully static.Tank HunterCost: 700Move Type: TrackedSpeed: MediumArmor: LightWeapon: Fieldwall SpitchargerType: ElectroshockSpecial: -Task: AttackGood VS: Vehicles>Powerful tank, good when paired with the Skirmish Tank. Drawbacks include lack of armor and range. They do good damage to infantry too, but only if not in groups. Gets overwhelmed pretty easily. Phase TankCost: 600Move Type: TrackedSpeed: MediumArmor: LightWeapon: Newell heavy laser cannonsType: LaserSpecial: PhaseTask: light attack, ambushGood VS: Infantry, Light armor vehicles>Nice fire rate, and the lasers are more powerful. Grouped, effective against infantry. With loads of these, you can probably destroy tougher units too.Flak JackCost: 500Move Type: WalkerSpeed: SlowArmor: LightWeapon: Hailstorm chaff launchers (twin)Type: ChaffSpecial: -Task: Air defenceGood VS: Flyers>Mobile air defence units. Able to be positioned anywhere to protect your base in places where you cannot build air defence sites. Also include them in your attack forces. Though its harder for them to keep up, they can navigate a wide variety of terrain.Triple Rail Hover TankCost: 1300Move Type: HoverSpeed: MediumArmor: HeavyWeapon: 50J Berrik rail guns (triple)Type: RailSpecial: -Task: Heavy attackGood VS: Vehicles>The ultimate weapon of destruction for the Freedom Guard. The triple rail guns will cut down any armor awfully quick. Does good damage against infantry too but is overwhelmed by groups of them. TIP: Mix in Skirmish Tanks and Flak Jacks to provide some extra firepower plus air support. Remember, Triple Rails can't shoot up.Hellstorm ArtilleryCost: 1100Move Type: TrackedSpeed: SlowArmor: MediumWeapon: K900 Range Warden howitzerType: ArtillerySpecial: -Task: Long range bombardmentGood VS: Infantry, Buildings>Death from above and far away! The Hellstorm works as its name says, bringing significant damage to any units near the impact point of its shells. A few of these can bring a building down easily, but takes some time. Shells are less powerful than the SCARAB's, but shell speed is faster. TIP: Gather a few Hellstorms and target an area (spread target points a bit) to 'deny' an area. The almost continuous bombardment will pose a major problem to about anything.Sky bikeCost: 800Move Type: FlyerSpeed: FastArmor: LightWeapon: Stip mini-missile launchersType: MissileSpecial: -Task: Light attack, Reconnaisance, HarassmentGood VS: Infantry>Fast and sleek, these Sky Bikes are air versions of the Spider Bike, but does less damage per shot. Effective as hit-and-run, so keep them moving and reload as quickly as possible.OutriderCost: 1400Move Type: FlyerSpeed: FastArmor: HeavyWeapon: Boardog missilesType: MissileSpecial: -Task: AttackGood VS: Vehicles>This is something that likens to a flying Skirmish Tank, though more powerful. Outriders that continually reload and pour damage are used properly. Keep them away from concentrated air defence areas though.ShockwaveCost: 4000Move Type: TrackedSpeed: SlowArmor: MediumWeapon: ShockwaveType: Seismic waveSpecial: -Task: Base destroyerGood VS: Ground units/buildings within hitzone>Who said earthquakes were bad? Well, not entirely. With the coveted Shockwave, shake the enemy to bits in seconds. Protect it at all costs, production time is worse than its power.Phase RunnerCost: - (comes together with Phasing Facility)Move Type: UndergroundSpeed: SlowArmor: -Weapon: -Type: -Special: TransportTask: Infantry/Vehicle transportGood VS: ->Your other choice of transportation other than the RAT. Better in a sense that you can do great ambushes with this, as you can release units almost anywhere without the runner being attacked (fancy the centre of the enemy's base?) You can load vehicles in it.====================3.0 IMPERIUM UNITS====================This section contains the details for units available when playing on the sideof the Imperium.------------------(3.1) IMP Infantry------------------The Imperium's infantry don't come in so many types as the Freedom Guard, butthey are more powerful in a general sense.GuardianCost: 150Move Type: WalkerSpeed: SlowArmor: -Weapon: Issue 5 standard laser rifleType: LaserSpecial: -Task: Light attackGood VS: Infantry>Standard police units (according to story), they are no different than Raiders (other than side and appearance). If those to engage, it will depend on who shot the other first, as both have the same amount of health. Use in groups.BionCost: 350Move Type: WalkerSpeed: SlowArmor: LightWeapon: Heavy plasma rifleType: PlasmaSpecial: -Task: AttackGood VS: Infantry, Light armor vehicle>Powerful and multi purpose infantry. In small groups, can take on some weaker vehicles. Has limited anti-air capabilities, but good at anything else.ExterminatorCost: 500Move Type: HoverSpeed: MediumArmor: LightWeapon: Roll-lock disalunion grenadesType: Poly-acidSpecial: -Task: AttackGood VS: Vehicles>Its the Exterminator that does not go for insects, but instead armor. The acid they use eat through vehicles so quickly, you won't notice in some cases. Extremely deadly against vehicles if used in groups. Extremely worthless when against infantry.Suicide ZombieCost: - (produced by Hostage Taker)Move Type: WalkerSpeed: MediumArmor: -Weapon: Concussive plasma detonatorType: PlasmaSpecial: -Task: KamikazeGood VS: Infantry, Vehicles>Since the Imperium does not seem to have many volunteers for kamikaze duty, they have turned to forceful means of coming out with a area-destruction unit. They are of equal strength to the Freedom Guard's Martyr.------------------(3.2) IMP Vehicles------------------The Imperium relies more on vehicles than infantry, which is why Imperiumvehicles are much stronger and work well in almost any situation. Almost allare hover propelled, so that is where the advantage AND disadvantage lies.Scout RunnerCost: 500Move Type: HoverSpeed: MediumArmor: MediumWeapon: DF Set laser cannonType: LaserSpecial: -Task: Light attack, Reconnaisance, HarassmentGood VS: Infantry>Basic vehicle for basic tasks, doesn't fare well against anything other than infantry. Though on the same production level as the Spider Bike, run from them if you see one.Invader Troop TransportCost: 600Move Type: HoverSpeed: MediumArmor: LightWeapon: DF Set heavy laser rifleType: LaserSpecial: TransportTask: Infantry transportGood VS: Infantry>Identical to the FG's RAT except that it has a laser gun to defend itself, and moves faster (hover). TIP: Load a few RATs with Raiders/Mercenaries, then quickly move to enemy areas and then release your troops. Best used in groups with at least 3 RATs and some vehicle support.Plasma TankCost: 600Move Type: HoverSpeed: MediumArmor: HeavyWeapon: 3000P plasma cannonType: PlasmaSpecial: -Task: AttackGood VS: Infantry, Light armor vehicles>The main workhorse of the Imperium, used a lot. Very, very balanced unit. Combine with other units to get a good attack force.AmperCost: 500Move Type: WalkerSpeed: SlowArmor: LightWeapon: BiodartsType: BiotoxinSpecial: -Task: SupportGood VS: Infantry>This mechanical female from hell walks on three legs and injects infantry with a special biotoxin that makes target unit invincible for a short time. If the unit is cured at a Hospital, the effect disappears. If left intoxicated, the unit will die when time is up. TIP: You can inject enemy infantry too, though make sure their medics aren't there to cure, or else.Mobile Air Defence (MAD)Cost: 800Move Type: HoverSpeed: MediumArmor: LightWeapon: Orbitran StingersType: Bladed orbSpecial: -Task: Air defenceGood VS: Flyers>Cuts down pesky enemy air units. Ideal for protecting Imperium tanks as well as any other ground-only units. Fast and able to keep up with the attack force but cannot go to certain places which the Flak Jack can.Recon DroneCost: 400Move Type: FlyerSpeed: MediumArmor: LightWeapon: -Type: -Special: -Task: Reconnaisance, Artillery spotterGood VS: ->The ultimate reconnaisance unit in Dark Reign. It flies, so you'll get the map revealed in no time (have a bunch of drones). Very weak, so be careful. It is better to sacrifice it once you're done with it, some unit might follow it back to your base.ShredderCost: 700Move Type: HoverSpeed: MediumArmor: MediumWeapon: Modified quarrysawType: BladesSpecial: -Task: SlaughterGood VS: Infantry>Slaughter those infantry in seconds with the Shredder! Used in groups, they become a mobile slaughterhouse. A single unit will die to infantry groups though. Bring some along with your attack forces. TIP: To flush out remaining infantry, use the 'Search and Destroy' option.Hostage TakerCost: 600Move Type: WheeledSpeed: MediumArmor: HeavyWeapon: VivisectorType: ConverterSpecial: ConvertTask: Infantry conversionGood VS: Infantry>Run over any infantry and wait awhile for it to convert the enemy unit over to your side. But, as a walking ticking zombie, ready to explode.Tachion TankCost: 1500Move Type: HoverSpeed: MediumArmor: HeavyWeapon: 5000G tachion cannonType: TachionSpecial: Self-destructTask: Heavy attackGood VS: Infantry, Vehicles>The best tank available on the Imperium side, credits aside. Though powerful against ground units, its open to attack from the sky. Have a few MADs around with Tachions. The self-destruct feature is useful, but usually last-ditch.SCARAB(Self Contained Armored Ranged Artillery Battery)Cost: 1300Move Type: HoverSpeed: SlowArmor: Medium / Extreme (shielded mode)Weapon: Tarl-lined heavy strike cannonType: ArtillerySpecial: ShieldTask: Long range bombardGood VS: Infantry, Buildings>Artillery unit just like the Hellstorm but comes with its own self-shield. You cannot move or fire while shielded. The SCARAB's shells are more powerful than the Hellstorm's, but move slower. TIP: Gather a few SCARABs and target an area (spread target points a bit) to 'deny' an area. The almost continuous bombardment will pose a major problem to about anything.CycloneCost: 1500Move Type: FlyerSpeed: FastArmor: MediumWeapon: Wat T2 neutron cannonType: NeutronSpecial: -Task: AttackGood VS: Infantry, Vehicles>Devastating damage from the sky, but still as a flyer, gets shot down easily. Swarms of these pretty much overruns small groups of units. Provide frequent reloading to ensure maximum efficiency. TIP: To flush out hiding enemy forces (usually to complete mission objectives) set Cyclones on 'Search and Destroy'.Sky FortressCost: 2500Move Type: FlyerSpeed: SlowArmor: HeavyWeapon: Ariax plasma compressorType: PlasmaSpecial: -Task: Base destroyerGood VS: Buildings>This is one is a bit too much, it can take down most buildings in 2 to 3 shots but of course, due to it long reload, it should be used to complement other forces. Unless you have a few of these, which changes the scenario totally.::::::::::::::::: BUILDINGS :::::::::::::::::This section explains about the various buildings available in Dark Reign.Below is a description of how I arrange and detail the bits of info.The format for building descriptions is as follows:[Standard]"Name" (name as appears in game)Armor: Light/Medium/Heavy (strength of building generally)Cost: (how much credits is needed to build/upgrade)Task: (primary purpose)Upgrade: (what it becomes when upgraded)> (some things I added in, comments, etc)[Base Defence]"Name" (name as it appears in game)Armor: Light/Medium/Heavy (strength of building generally)Cost: (how much credits is needed to build)Weapon: (weapon used by building for base defence)Type: (type of weapon used, refer to section 4)Good VS: (what the weapon is good against)> (some things I added in, comments, etc)======================4.0 COMMON BUILDINGS======================These are the buildings available to all sides.Water Launch PadArmor: MediumCost: 2500Task: Water Storage (for credits)Upgrade: ->A necessity for building a base. Comes with a freighter so you can start your water collecting. Best built close and around water springs for maximum efficiency.Taelon Power GeneratorArmor: MediumCost: 2200Task: Base powerUpgrade: ->Yet another necessity for a base, as it provides power to ensure that the base runs at maximum efficiency. Without it the consequences are, very bad. Your building, repairing, and production speed is greatly reduced. On top of that, the mini-map will not function.Camera TowerArmor: LightCost: 200Task: Static reconnaisanceUpgrade: ->Get some almost permanent line of sight of a particular area with the Camera Tower. It is much better than placing units because it's sight range is more. Still, have some support nearby.Field HospitalArmor: LightCost: 500Task: HealingUpgrade: ->The Freedom Guard has the advantage of the Medic, but the Imperium will have to stick with only this. Very fragile, yet placing it deep in the base won't do much good for your injured army. Balance the location with speed (within quick reach) and protection.Repair StationArmor: LightCost: 800Task: RepairUpgrade: ->The Freedom Guard have the Mechanics which can do on-the-spot repairs for any damaged vehicles, but the Imperium will have to rely on these stations to make vehicles fully-repaired. As I said for the Field Hospital, balance speed of location and protection.Small Horizontal BridgeArmor: MediumCost: 100 Task: BridgeUpgrade: ->Build bridges and have a nicer day moving across water. Units that are not hover types will die instantly if they are ON the bridge (parts above water) when the bridge gets destroyed.Small Vertical BridgeArmor: MediumCost: 100 Task: BridgeUpgrade: ->Same as Small Horizontal Bridge.Bridge JunctionArmor: MediumCost: 150 Task: BridgeUpgrade: ->Same as the other two bridges, but costs more and takes a wee bit longer to build. This junction type is wider, therefore best used for wider water areas. Or if playing a multiplayer map with plenty of water space, try building 'platforms' using bridges and junction types.Rearming DeckArmor: MediumCost: 1000Task: Flyer reloadUpgrade: ->Flying units carry limited ammunition (with exception to the Sk Fortress) so you need to rearm them with fresh ammunition. Flyers return to replenish their supply automatically after using up all ammunition. TIP: If your flyers are not on active duty, rearm them anyway if they have used anything. This allows full loads to be carried, maximising damage on their runs. Full loads affect nothing.=============================5.0 FREEDOM GUARD BUILDINGS=============================This section lists the various buildings available to the Freedom Guard.-----------------(5.1) FG Standard-----------------These buildings are components of your base, most of them are very important.Without these , you cannot build a base.Headquarters 1Armor: MediumCost: 750Task: Base prerequisiteUpgrade: Headquarters 2>You need this to make Construction Rigs, therefore protect it well. Build a few so you can rest assured that if one gets destroyed, you still have others as reserve. Without a HQ, the mini-map doesn't function.Headquarters 2Armor: MediumCost: 1000Task: Base prerequisiteUpgrade: Headquarters 3>Upgraded Headquarters. Same as Headquarters 1, except that this is stronger and enables higher level units to be built.Headquarters 3Armor: HeavyCost: 1250Task: Base prerequisiteUpgrade: ->Upgraded Headquarters. Same as Headquarters 2, except that this is stronger and enables certain units/buildings to be built.Training Facility 1Armor: MediumCost: 1500Task: Infantry productionUpgrade: Training Facility 2>Produces your infantry. Build a few and spread the queue load so efficiency is better.Training Facility 2Armor: HeavyCost: 750Task: Infantry productionUpgrade: ->Upgraded Training Facility. Same as Training Facility 1, except that this is stronger and enables higher level units to be produced.Assembly Plant 1Armor: MediumCost: 2200Task: Vehicle productionUpgrade: Assembly Plant 2>Produces your vehicles. Build a few and spread the queue load so efficiency is better.Assembly Plant 2Armor: HeavyCost: 2500Task: Vehicle productionUpgrade: ->Upgraded Assembly Plant. Same as Assembly Plant 1, except that this building is stronger and enables higher level vehicles to be built.Phasing FacilityArmor: MediumCost: 1200Task: Enable phasingUpgrade: Phasing Facility 2>Once you build this, certain units will have the ability to phase.Phasing Facility 2Armor: MediumCost: 1200Task: Enable Phase RunnerUpgrade: ->Upgrading the Phase Facility gives you a Phase Runner, which is detailed in the Units section. Other than that there's no difference unless you want more building strength.---------------------(5.2) FG Base Defence---------------------These buildings have mounted weapons and are used to defend your base. Thesebuildings fire extremely slow when power level is at yellow or red.Laser TurretArmor: LightCost: 500Weapon: Heavy repeating laser cannonType: LaserGood VS: Infantry>Basic base defence weapon, still useful in the later levels, as it kills off infantry with ease. Can shoot skywards but does insignificant damage. TIP: Place these near Heavy Rail Platforms to ward off infantry, therefore keeping the rail guns free for any vehicles.Heavy Rail PlatformArmor: HeavyCost: 1700Weapon: Gatling heavy-rail cannons (two)Type: RailGood VS: Vehicles>The best defence you can build, highly dangerous to enemy vehicles. Since it's rail weapon based, its rather weak against infantry. TIP: Place Laser Turrets close by to ward off infantry. Air Defence SiteArmor: MediumCost: 1000Weapon: Rapid anti-air laser cannonType: LaserGood VS: Flyers>Air defence sites protect your base from flyer attacks. Put near the other base defence buildings or keep some units close to protect it. TIP: Put these not only on the borders of your base, but also put a few within the base, spreaded out.========================6.0 IMPERIUM BUILDINGS========================This section lists the various buildings available to the Imperium side.------------------(6.1) IMP Standard------------------These buildings are components of your base, most of them are very important.Without these buildings, you cannot do a lot of things.Headquarters 1Armor: MediumCost: 750Task: Base prerequisiteUpgrade: Headquarters 2>You need this to make Construction Rigs, therefore protect it well. Build a few so you can rest assured that if one gets destroyed, you still have others as reserve. Without a HQ, the mini-map doesn't function.Headquarters 2Armor: MediumCost: 1000Task: Base prerequisiteUpgrade: Headquarters 3>Upgraded Headquarters. Same as Headquarters 1, except that this is stronger and enables higher level units to be built.Headquarters 3Armor: HeavyCost: 1250Task: Base prerequisiteUpgrade: ->Upgraded Headquarters. Same as Headquarters 2, except that this is stronger and enables certain units/buildings to be built.Training Facility 1Armor: MediumCost: 1500Task: Infantry productionUpgrade: Training Facility 2>Produces your infantry. Build a few and spread the queue load so efficiency is better.Training Facility 2Armor: HeavyCost: 750Task: Infantry productionUpgrade: ->Upgraded Training Facility. Same as Training Facility 1, except that this is stronger and enables higher level units to be produced.Assembly Plant 1Armor: MediumCost: 2200Task: Vehicle productionUpgrade: Assembly Plant 2>Produces your vehicles. Build a few and spread the queue load so efficiency is better.Assembly Plant 2Armor: HeavyCost: 2500Task: Vehicle productionUpgrade: ->Upgraded Assembly Plant. Same as Assembly Plant 1, except that this building is stronger and enables higher level vehicles to be built.Temporal GateArmor: MediumCost: 1800Task: Unit transportUpgrade: ->Unlike the Invader Troop Transport, this Temporal Gate can send your units toANYWHERE on the map, which is very helpful for certain levels. The drawback isit can carry only 3 units at a time, and needs to recharge after every use.Rift CreatorArmor: HeavyCost: 8000Weapon: Rift creatorType: RiftGood VS: Anything>Once fully charged, the Rift Creator can release a swirling vortex at any spot that you have line of sight on. TIP: Freighter-Vortex trick - Use Freighters to enter the enemy base, just order it to move, then once you see enemy buildings, release vortex. Multiple freighters should get you deeper into the base.----------------------(6.2) IMP Base Defence----------------------These buildings have mounted weapons and are used to defend your base. Thesebuildings fire extremely slow when power level is at yellow or red.Plasma TurretArmor: LightCost: 500Weapon: Heavy repeating plasma cannonType: PlasmaGood VS: Infantry, Light armor vehicles>Similar to the FG's Laser Turret, but better as its also effective against light armor vehicles. TIP: Place these near your Neutron Accelerators to ward off infantry which wastes its firepower.Neutron AcceleratorArmor: HeavyCost: 1700Weapon: Heavy neutron cannonType: NeutronGood VS: Infantry, Vehicles>Great base defence that defends well against both infantry and vehicles. TIP: Place Plasma Turrets close by to ward off infantry, which wastes Neutron Accelerator's firepower.Air Defence SiteArmor: MediumCost: 1000Weapon: Rapid-firing bladed orb launcherType: Bladed orbGood VS: Flyers>Similar to the FG's Air Defence Site, but this one shoulds bladed orbs instead of powerful lasers. Takes up more building space, no noticeable difference in weapon effectiveness.==============================7.0 TOGRAN UNITS AND BUILDINGS==============================The Togran side have access to ALL units and buildings, which include common,Freedom Guard and Imperium. Putting the same info here would be a completewaste of effort and time. Therefore, please refer to the appropriate sections.====================8.0 MOVEMENT TYPES====================This section lists the movement types and their explanations.Walker>Ground-based, walks using foot (infantry) or articulated limbs (machinery).Moderate speed on normal terrains, slows down when travelling across swamps orclimbing up steep slopes. Walkers can climb the highest slopes, but cannottraverse water.Wheeled & Tracked>Both are for vehicles, ground-based. Cannot traverse water. Cannot climb steep slopes, gains some speed when travelling on roads/paths.Hover>Anti-gravity system to lift unit just above ground. Travels with no speed loss or gain over most terrains. Crosses water and swamps easily, but unable to climb moderate slopes.Flyer>No terrain limitations. Line of sight is sometimes limited because of certain extra-high map features.Underground>Special phasing technology allows the Phase Runner (only unit capable ofunderground movement) to move to anywhere on the map.==================9.0 WEAPON TYPES==================This section contains information about the various weapon types.Laser>Great against infantry, insignificant damage to others.Plasma>Versatile weapon, effective against infantry and vehicles. Can shoot skywards.Rail>Special electro-magnet propelled projectiles along a rail at high speeds. Very good against to armor but mostly worthless against infantry.Rail (Needle)>Different type of rail weapon, highly effective against infantry, but its virtually worthless against armor.Missile>Versatile weapon, different effectiveness to anything depending on missile type. Can shoot skywards.Artillery>High impact, area effect weapon. Good against infantry and buildings, but less against vehicles. Area damage depends on how close unit is to point of impact.Tachion>Very versatile weapon, has slight area effect. Good against any ground unit.Neutron>Good for anything, more effective against armor.Electroshock>Same as neutron, good for anything, and has extra effectiveness against armor.Poly-Acid>Strictly an anti-armor weapon, Does worthless damage against anything else.Chaff>Anti-air weapon. Causes lingering damage (short while), meaning unit is slowly damaged after being shot.Biotoxin>For infantry, makes them invincible for a limited time, which, if uncured by the Field Hospital, unit will die. Can be used against enemy infantry with the same conditions.Bladed Orb>Air defence weapon.Blades>Every infantry unit's nightmare. Destroys infantry units instantly.Converter>Converts enemy infantry into Suicide Zombies. Takes a while to fully convert enemy.Seismic Wave (SUPER WEAPON)>Causes massive destruction along its wide path. Use with caution, it could backfire and turn against you.Rift (SUPER WEAPON)>Weapon technology created by the Imperium, it creates a vortex that sucks in anything within its reach. Tremendous damage.===================10.0 UNIT HOTKEYS===================This section lists all the possible hotkeys that can be used for units.The details are put in this way:hotkey press list (what to press)> (description of hotkey)---Ctrl + n (must have unit(s) selected)>Create tactical group, where n is group number (0-9).0 - 9>Call up tactical group (must have group assigned to number to select group)(have selected units first) Shift + drag select/click unit(s)>Add group of units to currently selected group of unit(s)Alt + click any unit>Selects all units of clicked unit type that are visible on current game window(what you can see for that part of the map you're viewing). E.g. press Alt andclick on any Raider, will select all Raiders within current view.Ctrl + Alt + click any unit>Same like hotkey above (Alt + click any unit), but this way you'll be able toselect ALL units of that type no mater where they are on the map.=============END CREDITS=============I would like to extend my thanks to:Hosting of this FAQ:-GameFAQs ( http://www.gamefaqs.com )-About.com guide to Video Game Strategies ( http://vgstrategies.about.com )-Cheat Empire ( http://home.planetinternet.be/~twuyts )Auran & Activision(www.auran.com & www.activision.com respectively)Incredible thanks for making this great game.Kao Megura-For advice, and for being a great example to all FAQ writers------------Contributors------------(none)(Got anything you want to contribute? Send it to me)=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=Thank you for reading this FAQ. I hope you benefited from this FAQ and also didenjoy reading it.If you have anything you would like added to this FAQ (especially if it helpsthe FAQ to be as complete as possible) feel free to contact me. Please followthe set guidelines in **Sending Mail (at the beginning of this FAQ).DARK REIGN: THE FUTURE OF WARUnits & Buildings FAQ v1.50 (Apr 21 2001)Written by K.Teoh (kteoh85@yahoo.com)http://www.geocities.com/kteoh85Unpublished Work Copyright (c) 2000-2001, K.Teoh. [ E N D O F F A Q ]